Purple Plums Varieties (4 Sweet Types)

Plump, juicy, and bursting with sweet-tart flavor, purple plums are a delightful summer treat that captivates the senses:

 From their vibrant hue to their succulent flesh, these delectable fruits have long been cherished for their taste and nutritional benefits.

 In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of purple plums, uncovering the different types that exist and delving into their unique characteristics. 

Whether you’re a dedicated plum aficionado or simply curious about expanding your fruit repertoire, join us on this journey as we unravel the diverse and enchanting array of purple plums available to savor

List of Purple Plums

1. Black Splendor

black splendor plums

Black Splendor plums are a magnificent variety of purple plums, known for their deep, almost black skin and sweet, juicy flesh:

 These plums are not only visually striking but also offer a delightful balance of sweetness and tartness that makes them a favorite among plum enthusiasts. 

Their rich flavor profile and intense color make them perfect for both snacking and cooking, adding an enticing burst of flavor to salads, desserts, and jams.

One of the most intriguing aspects of Black Splendor plums is their versatility in culinary applications. 

Their deep purple hue adds an elegant touch to any dish, while their juicy texture and complex flavor elevate both sweet and savory recipes. 

Whether enjoyed fresh off the tree or incorporated into delectable dishes, Black Splendor plums exemplify the enchanting allure of dark-skinned fruits. 

2. Japanese Plums

Japanese Plums

Japanese plums, also known as Prunus salicina, are a delightful addition to the world of fruit.

 With their vibrant colors and delicate sweetness, these plums have captured the hearts of many food enthusiasts. 

What sets Japanese plums apart is their juicy texture and unique flavors, ranging from tangy and tart to rich and floral. 

These plums are not only a feast for the palate but also hold a significant place in Japanese culture, often used in traditional dishes and even celebrated in art forms such as poetry and painting.

Another interesting fact of these purple colored plums is their versatility in culinary applications. 

From savory sauces to sweet desserts, these plums can elevate any dish with their exotic taste profile. 

3. French Prune

The French Prune, also known as the Improved French plum, is a variety that originated in France and has become popular for its unique flavor and versatility.

This plum stands out for its deep purple skin and rich, sweet taste with a hint of tartness, making it ideal for both fresh consumption and culinary use. 

With a firm texture that holds up well when cooked or dried, the French Prune is often favored for making jams, jellies, and even brandy.

What sets the French Prune apart from other plums is its exceptional balance of sweetness and acidity, which lends itself to a wide range of culinary applications.

4. Black Ruby plums

Black Ruby plums

Black Ruby plums are a mesmerizing variety that captivates with their deep purple skin and rich burgundy flesh.

 These plums are renowned for their intense sweetness, making them a popular choice for snacking or adding a burst of flavor to salads and desserts. 

The unique combination of tartness and sweetness in Black Ruby plums makes them especially versatile, allowing them to be enjoyed in both savory and sweet dishes.

 Not only do these plums boast an alluring appearance, but they also offer a satisfying juiciness that makes each bite an indulgent experience.

Related read: common plums that are red inside

5. Simka plums

Simka plums, also known as Italian plums, are a delightful variation of the classic purple plum. 

Their deep purple skin and sweet-tart flavor make them a standout in the world of stone fruits. What sets Simka plums apart is their versatility—they can be enjoyed fresh, baked into pies and tarts, or transformed into rich, flavorful jams and preserves.

Additionally, Simka plums are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants, making them not only a tasty treat but also a nutritious addition to your diet.

One unique characteristic of Simka plums is their elongated shape and firm flesh. 

This makes them ideal for cooking and baking as they hold their shape well when heated. 

The distinct flavor profile of Simka plums also makes them a popular choice for pairing with savory ingredients such as herbs and cheeses in various culinary dishes.

 In addition, their natural juiciness lends well to creating refreshing beverages like plum-infused cocktails and homemade plum lemonades.

6. Elephant Heart plums

Elephant Heart

The Elephant Heart plum, with its striking deep crimson skin and sweet-tart flavor, is a star among the world of purple plums. 

Grown primarily in California, this unique fruit is known for its large size and heart-shaped appearance, adding an element of visual appeal to any dish or fruit bowl. 

The flesh of the Elephant Heart plum is juicy and vibrant, making it a refreshing and indulgent treat during the summer months.

Also this purple plum is versatile in nature. While it’s delightful to enjoy as a fresh snack on its own, it also shines in culinary creations.

 From jams and preserves to tarts and compotes, this plum adds layers of complexity to both sweet and savory dishes. 

7. Black Beauty plum

The Black Beauty plum is a stunning variety, known for its deep purple skin and sweet, juicy flesh.

 Its rich color and elegant shape make it an eye-catching addition to any fruit basket or dessert platter. 

This delicious plum has a perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess, making it ideal for snacking or adding a pop of flavor to salads and charcuterie boards.

One interesting fact about the Black Beauty plum is that it belongs to the Japanese plum group, which tend to have larger, rounder shapes compared to European plums.

8. Moyer plum

The Moyer plum, also known as the Italian plum, is a unique variety that stands out among other purple plums. 

Its vibrant purple skin and sweet-tart flavor make it a favorite for cooking and baking. With its firm texture and rich juice, this purple plum variety is perfect for making jams, jellies, and preserves. 

Its deep, complex flavor also lends itself beautifully to savory dishes like chutneys and sauces.

9. Blood Plum

The Blood Plum, often referred to as the Satsuma, is a stunning variety of purple plum that has captured the attention of fruit enthusiasts for its deep crimson flesh and dark purplish-black skin. 

This unique coloration not only makes the satsuma visually striking but also adds a delightful sweetness and rich flavor to its juicy flesh.

 Its slightly tart undertones provide a perfect balance, making it a popular choice for both fresh consumption and culinary creations.

What sets the Blood Plum apart from other purple plums is its intense pigmentation and robust flavor profile, which make it an ideal ingredient for jams, sauces, and desserts. 

Its bold color also lends itself well to decorative purposes in food presentations, adding a vivid pop of color to various dishes.

 With its captivating appearance and versatile uses, the Blood Plum continues to intrigue gastronomes and chefs alike, earning its reputation as an alluring addition to the world of purple plums. 

10. Santa Rosa plum

The Santa Rosa plum is a delightful addition to the world of purple plums. Known for its vibrant, deep purple skin and juicy, sweet flesh, this variety offers a unique blend of tartness and sweetness that makes it a favorite among plum enthusiasts.

 With its distinctive flavor profile and floral aroma, the Santa Rosa plum stands out as a versatile fruit that can be enjoyed fresh or incorporated into various culinary creations such as jams, desserts, and cocktails.

What sets the Santa Rosa plum apart is its rich history and legacy. Developed by legendary horticulturist Luther Burbank in the early 20th century, this plum has become an iconic symbol of California’s bountiful agricultural heritage.

Its enduring popularity speaks to its exceptional taste and adaptability to different growing regions. 

11. Damson plums

The Damson plum, with its deep purple skin and tart flavor, is a standout in the world of plums. 

This heirloom variety has been cherished for generations and continues to captivate with its unique taste and versatility in culinary applications.

 Its slightly acidic flesh makes it perfect for jams, jellies, and preserves, adding a delightful tanginess to these sweet concoctions. 

But the Damson plum isn’t just limited to sweet treats – its robust flavor also shines in savory dishes such as chutneys or sauces for meats.

What sets the Damson plum apart from other purple plums is its distinctive shape and size; it’s smaller than most varieties but packs an intense flavor punch.

 The fruit’s striking dark purple color adds visual appeal to any dish or dessert, making it an exciting addition to both the kitchen and the table. 

Final thoughts: 

From the sweet and juicy Santa Rosa to the tart and tangy Damson, there is a purple plum variety to suit every palate.

 Whether enjoyed fresh off the tree or incorporated into delicious recipes, purple plums offer a burst of vibrant color and delightful taste.

 As consumers become more aware of the different types of purple plums available, they can make informed choices about which variety best suits their preferences. 

So next time you’re at the market, consider trying a new type of purple plum and experience the diverse flavors this fruit has to offer.


plum study

black splendor plums

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